Frequently Asked Questions

What Men’s Wellness Program consists of?

Our group of Physicians and Health Advocates will assess individual evaluation with you on the phone. We will learn about your current medications and recommend specific tests and program consisting of Genetic evaluation, FDA approved medication and supplements that have proven to increase active sexual health, promote prostate health and provide diet and fitness recommendations.

How will I receive my medications?

You will receive your package every 90 days by mail.

Is this program covered by insurance or medicare?

No. Wellness programs and medications associated with are not covered by major plans or medicare/medicade. However, our program will save you approximately 40% from what you are currently paying for medications such as daily Cialis as example.

What is DNA?

Our bodies are made of trillions of cells. Inside each of those cells are chromosomes. In humans, we have 23 pairs of chromosomes. One chromosome of each pair comes from our mother (egg) and the other chromosome comes from our father (sperm). Each chromosome is composed of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). A simple analogy is that a person’s DNA serves as a blueprint for all of the information that makes us who we are. The DNA itself is organized into specific segments called genes, which encode proteins needed for our bodies to grow and function. The specific coding within the genes is composed through the use of only four specific DNA bases: A, T, G, and C.

Why Is our Genetic Program Unique?

We are providing the most accurate results available for genetic testing by world leader in the genetic research laboratory and leading physicians in the field of genetics. This is non-invasive process done through saliva collection. You will be provided 60 page genetic report testing your personal genomic based on over 120 genetic markers representing best and most recent genetic research in diet, nutrition, fitness and weight related health conditions. Our Physician would then recommend personalized plan of action for optimal nutrition and fitness program that would change your lifestyle.

Why our program is working?
  • Is based on DNA, therefore always relevant to an individual.
  • Based on extensive scientific research and data.
  • Designed individually by expert physicians in the field.
  • Optimizes weight loss and fitness plan through nutrition supplements and fitness recommendations.
Who is our program designed for?

We designed this program specifically for men to promote their active sexual health and overall wellness. Of course those who are overweight specifically are looking to get healthy and minimize health risks. But why wouldn’t everyone want to learn their genetics and make changes in their lifestyle based on such evaluation? Here are few scenarios:

  • Men that are struggling to stay sexually active and care about their prostate health.
  • Those spending a considerable amount of time working out but do not see improvements.
  • Anyone striving for optimal health and fitness.
  • People who are looking to lose extra weight in order to gain self confidence, and more energy.
  • Anyone who wants to learn their unique genetic profile and how their body specifically utilizes nutrition and reacts to certain fitness.
Are all changes in DNA disease-causing?

No, some changes in DNA are normal variations between humans, which do not cause disease. These types of changes are called benign variants. Alternatively, some changes in the DNA can lead to damaged or faulty genes, which in turn can disrupt the function of the proteins normally encoded by the DNA. These changes are called deleterious or pathogenic mutations.