Doctor Column

The Risk of Stroke with Atrial Fibrillation I May 18, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most frequently encountered cardiac arrhythmia. The degree of patient awareness varies widely, from highly symptomatic patients experiencing chest pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness to those who are completely oblivious. Swimmer’s ear — acute external Otitis May 18, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Acute External Otitis (AEO), known as Swimmer’s Ear, is a diffuse infection of the ear canal usually due to bacteria, which at times causes horrific pain. It can spread beyond the ear to the jaw and neck glands making it difficult and painful to open your mouth, chew and swallow. “ACHOO!” — Allergic Rhinitis? 2 Guidelines to help You Through the ‘Worst ever’ hay fever season May 18, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Allergic Rhinitis (AR) has been called Rose Fever, Spring Fever, Summer Cold, and Hay Fever. But, it does not cause a fever. It is not the common cold and it’s not limited to one season… Loss of Hearing in Adults April 8, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Hearing loss is the third most common chronic problem in the USA. Millions of Americans have hearing loss and many of them turn the TV up and still “can’t get a grip on the words.” Nosebleed (Epistaxis in Children) March 23, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Nosebleeds (“epistaxis”) have been a bloody nuisance from the time of Hippocrates to the present. It’s a common problem that can occur at any time, in any place and in any season. An Update on New Blood Pressure Targets March 23, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS For years physicians have struggled to identify the optimal blood pressure for a given patient population. The group of experts collectively known as the JNC (Joint National Commission) has been historically tasked to address the use of antihypertensive agents. Tinnitus: more than Ringing in the ears March 16, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Tinnitus (TINN-ih-tus) is the sound you hear in your ears that comes from your own body. It is not the telephone ringing — It’s your ears ringing — It’s your own body making noise. A Parent’s checklist guide to hearing loss (Part 2) January 2, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Hearing loss is the most common birth defect in the US. Parents are encouraged to be proactive about a child’s hearing, speech and language development. These are some of the steps a parent can take to tract your child’s development. Doctor, can My child hear? (Part 1) January 2, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Matthew was diagnosed as having hearing loss while still in the hospital, one day after he was born. It later proved to be a profound, permanent (nerve) type of hearing loss. HC SMART: PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer (Part 2) January 2, 2015 Faith Lee-Jackson, MD Elevated PSA levels must be interpreted thoughtfully and with care. There is not a level of PSA that is specifically diagnostic of prostate cancer. To use PSA in order to estimate a man’s risk of prostate cancer, PSA should be interpreted over time and in the context of other risk factors; such as a strong family history of prostate cancer and African-American ethnicity.