Doctor Column

Coronaphobia: The Emotional Effects of COVID-19 and Mrs. Michelle Obama October 15, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Former First Lady Michelle Obama announced in her podcast on August 5 that she’s suffering from “low-grade” depression. She said it this way: “I know I’m dealing with some form of low-grade depression because of the quarantine, because of the racial strife.” It’s “dispiriting” watching the day-in and day-out hypocrisy of this administration. She had difficulty sleeping and there were periods “where I’ve felt too low” and “where you just don’t feel yourself.” Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 — “What Are Plasma’s Benefits?” October 5, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD COVID19 has had almost “carte blanche” to crisscross America from East to West leaving in its wake death and anguished families. What You Need to Know About Knee Pain? What If It’s Not Arthritis? September 25, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD People of all ages have experienced knee pain that varies from being a nuisance to incapacitating agony. We need healthy knees to walk, run, stand or jump. When injury or disease triggers knee pain, it’s critical to get pain relief, the right diagnosis and treatment as well as information on how to prevent future problems. To help understand knee pain or knee problems, it’s useful to be familiar with the knee joint. “Pain-Speak” — One Crucial Way How the Body Communicates With Us September 15, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. It’s the most common reason people make an appointment to see their doctor. More than 25 million Americans live with chronic pain and one in every four Americans have suffered from pain that lasts longer than 24 hours. Could the Upcoming Flu Season be a “Double Whammy?” The “Twindemic” of COVID-19 and Influenza? September 5, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Although the Flu virus has played second fiddle to COVID-19 this year, it too is a lethal virus. We’ve become conditioned to accepting the “statistic” that every flu season, the virus kills many thousands of Americans. Health officials say it’s particularly important this year to get the Flu shot because of the potential “double whammy” of the Flu and COVID-19 joining forces to cause widespread sickness and loss of lives. Electrical Cardioversion for Heart Rhythm Problems August 25, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD John is a 67 year old retired postal worker. He complained of being tired, lightheaded, having palpitations and being short of breath, the latter, especially after walking two or three blocks. A thorough cardiac evaluation pinpointed the problem. Calcium deposits formed on the heart’s aortic valve causing a narrowing of its opening and thereby reducing the flow of blood from the heart to his brain and the rest of the body. What’s Wrong with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Voice? August 15, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD What’s causing Dr. Antony Fauci’s voice problem? In early April of this year, the respected infectious disease expert and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease was queried by Savanah Guthrie during a TV “Today” interview. She asked, “Are you OK? Your voice doesn’t sound great.” The COVID-19 Sweepstakes: The International Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine August 5, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD The COVID-19 Sweepstakes has become the most famous international, scientific race in history. From China to the United States, from Canada to Australia, scientists are off and running to be the first to get a COVID-19 vaccine to the market. Forget the roses. The prize money in the COVID’s winner circle is worth billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical company that wins this race. Pros and Cons of Blood Thinners: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets July 25, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Blood thinners, (anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications), are designed to treat blood clots that have formed, prevent the formation of new blood clots and stop blood clots from getting bigger. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM): How It Can Prevent Low Blood Sugar Emergencies July 15, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Vanessa is an 11 year old with type 1 diabetes who presented to the emergency department for the third time within the past 12 months because of “problems with her sugar.” She was unconscious, in hypoglycemic shock (extremely low blood glucose level) and clinging to life.