How To Keep A Picky Child Healthy

October 13, 2015
Natalie W. Geary, MD

Some children will eat everything put in front of them, while others have a more selective palate. But what do you do when your child’s meals are so limited that they lack variety and color? You may have tried making things into cute and funny shapes and still these foods have been rejected. Here are some adjustments you can make to simple meals so that you know your child is getting as many nutrients as possible.

Pasta: Many picky eaters rely solely on pasta for dinner and/or lunch — some with butter, some with cheese and some with sauce. To get a little more nutrition in them by swapping normal past for whole-wheat pasta, thereby introducing some whole grains into their diet. Whole grains are said to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes and are full of vitamins and minerals.

Snacks: Whole-rye crackers with some cream cheese can be a healthy and plain snack, as well as popping your own plain popcorn. Keep some dried fruit on hand when you go out.

Drinks: Limit high-calorie drinks which fill them up before mealtimes. Make good fruit-juice choices. Pick juices with the least amount of sugar. If your child doesn’t like dairy foods, buy one of their favorite fruit juices with Calcium added to it. For example, Ocean Spray has a great Cranberry Juice Cocktail with Calcium.

Fruit: If your child isn’t a big fruit eater, try making her a smoothie! You can add tofu to add protein without changing the taste and texture, as well as some ground flaxseed for some fiber and omega-3 oil. Add milk, fruit juice, yogurt or frozen yogurt if you want to add some calcium.

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