Doctor Column

Viruses 101 and the Body’s Battle Against These Relentless Invaders February 5, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In the film, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” several people in the fictitious small town of Mira, California visit psychiatrist, Dr. Miles Bennell. They have similar complaints: the personality of their loved ones have been hijacked by some outside force changing them eventually into emotionless, robotic humans. ‘Ten + Five’ hearing tips for Airline Travelers July 4, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD A baby girl screams in pain as the plane is landing, while the passengers around her watch in empathy. Another says, “My ears feel blocked as if cotton is stuck in them.” Airplanes and ear problems — barotrauma of the ear June 18, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD We’ve been there. Check in at the airport, pick up our boarding passes at the check-in-counter, board the plane, spot our assigned seat and place the carry-on-luggage in the overhead compartment. We sit down and fasten our seat belts. Zika virus (ZIKV) and Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome May 30, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD IN 2015, the Zika virus outbreak in Recife, Brazil made international headlines. The Brazilian Health Ministry and the World Health Organization rang the alarm bell because pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus were suspected of giving birth to children with birth defects, most notably, microcephaly. The Zika virus key facts You need to know May 15, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD A sudden, sharp increase in babies with ‘no foreheads and very strange heads’ was baffling doctors in Brazil. That set off a search for answers that led to a little-known pathogen, the ZIKA virus.” — NY Times, February 6. 2016.