Doctor Column
Sore throat ‘Strep’ throat — when Gargling salt water is not enough
September 28, 2015
Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD
A sore throat can be more than a throat that hurts. It can vary from mild to severe, from viral to bacterial and the consequences range from insignificant to life changing. Testing for strep can make all the difference.
Balloon sinuplasty — Balloon sinus dilatation
September 21, 2015
Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD
Medical advances over the past several decades have been remarkable. In the mid 1980’s, a revolution changed the way surgeons treated sinus disease. At that time, it was common practice to cut the skin of the face or the tissue above the upper teeth to gain access to sinus disease.
HIMSS Analytics: Slight Uptick in Telemedicine Adoption Rates
September 16, 2015
Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD
There has been a slight uptick in telemedicine adoption in 2015 among healthcare providers, according to an updated telemedicine study from HIMSS Analytics.
Doctoring From a Distance
September 14, 2015
Bobby V. Khan, MD, Ph. D.
Shae Reber of Wills Eye Hospital’s telemedicine department takes photos of patient Maurice Floyd’s eyes with a portable fundus camera.
A solution to the Health Care Specialty shortage Teleotolaryngology: Otolaryngologists & Telemedicine
November 12, 2014
Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD
Unless changes are made to improve the delivery of health care in the United states, there may be a work force shortage of45,000 PCPs and 46,100 Surgeons and Medical Specialists in the year 2020.
Telemedicine: A “Win-Win” game. Medicine without borders and doctors without waiting room
November 11, 2014
Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS
A 53 year old woman was examined by a Cardiologist and diagnosed as having atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm). The episodes increased in frequency and duration causing shortness of breath, fatigue, and at times lightheadedness and dizziness. She eventually had a small (the size of a finger nail) cardiac loop recorder implanted just under the skin into the left side her chest.
Telemedicine for Diabetes
October 8, 2014
Leonard Thaler, MD, FACE, ECNU
Telemedicine appears to be particularly well suited for the management of diabetes. Given the growth of diabetes in the population and an increasing shortage of Endocrinologists, patients with diabetes often face long delays in medical care.