Doctor Column

Boost Your Immunity! CDC Recommends Updated COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for the Coming Respiratory Virus Season. August 25, 2024 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Diane is a 57 year old housewife who has been treated for hypertension and elevated cholesterol for many years. She complained of a runny nose, nasal congestion, and a slight headache for a few days, and thought it was just a “common cold.” But her condition quickly deteriorated when she experienced extreme fatigue, loss of the sense of smell, and shortness of breath. The Job of T Cells and Immunotherapy March 5, 2024 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD T-cells are white blood cells, also called T lymphocytes which partner with B-cells to protect us from infections and harmful intruders such as cancer cells. T cells are part of the immune system that behave like specialized sentinels guarding, responding, and neutralizing threats to our bodies. They develop from stem cells in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland. Approximately 85% of lymphocytes that circulate in the bloodstream are T-cells and 15% are B-cells. The Amazing B Cells and Immunotherapy February 25, 2024 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Like an office building using a surveillance system and a man to identify and prevent unwanted visitors from entering the premises, the immune system uses an army of specialized cells and organs to identify, and prevent foreign invaders from debilitating our bodies. An indispensable part of the body’s defense system includes B and T cells which are special units of the immune system. They play a crucial role 24/7 in searching and destroying the relentless onslaught of harmful viruses, bacteria, cancer cells and toxins. Five (5) Critical Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Infections That Won’t Go Away – ‘Primary Immune Deficiency Disease’ July 25, 2018 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD The immune system protects the body against infections, chemical agents or other harmful substances. Primary immune deficiency diseases (PI or PIDD) are caused by genetic flaws – defects in the immune system passed down from one or both parents. “The Boy in the Bubble” — Recurrent Infections in Children… “When Should I Worry?” December 25, 2017 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In the 1970’s, much notoriety was given to the “The Boy in the Bubble”. The youngster, David Vetter, lived alone for 12 years in a germ free plastic tent. His mother never held him in her arms. No one was allowed to touch him with their bare hands. The toll on his psyche and the heartache of his parents are immeasurable. A Snapshot of the Immune System — Our Bodies’ Department of Defense December 15, 2017 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Just as an apartment building uses a doorman and a surveillance system to identify and prevent unwanted visitors from entering the premises, the immune system uses an army of specialized cells, tissues and organs to survey and protect the body against foreign invaders.