Doctor Column

Get the Booster Shot — Being Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 is NOT Enough! September 5, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD John, a construction worker, got down from his truck and his left foot landed on a rusty nail. Ouch! When he took his shoe off, the foot was bleeding, and he couldn’t put pressure on it. Fellow workers took him to a nearby hospital where X-rays showed no evidence of a fracture. Five Reasons Why COVID-19 Vaccine’s Injected in the Upper Arm — In the Deltoid Muscle July 15, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Thousands of public service messages have encouraged American to roll up their sleeves and take a shot in the arm to become vaccinated against COVID-19. Despite different methods of administering vaccines, the aim of vaccinations is to protect people against specific diseases. Centenarians, COVID and Grandpa July 5, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD It was May of 2020 when Jeannine’s frustration spilled into anger. She fired blanks trying to get her grandfather vaccinated against COVID-19. Doctors’ offices, “We don’t have the vaccine.” Local health officials, “We’re working on it. I suggest you go to the internet (.gov) for the latest information.” The internet was unhelpful. Hospitals “nada.” As a last resort, “I called my congressman and explained the situation.” This is how the story unfolded. When Will the COVID-19 Pandemic End? June 25, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD As the incidence of COVID-19 slopes downward in the United States and the vaccination rates climb, a sense of relief and normalcy is returning to the country. You can make indoor restaurant reservations more easily, fly across the nation, take part in sporting events outdoors or indoors, attend religious services and in person schooling is set to resume at the end of the summer throughout the U. S. CDC and COVID-19: To Mask or Not To Mask? June 5, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD The COVID-19 drama continues to have twists and confusions. Recent guidelines promulgated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on May 13, 2021 have raised questions concerning the appropriateness of wearing masks indoors and in public. Long Term Effects of COVID-19 The Unfinished Story of “Long COVID—Long Haulers.” March 15, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Among the several hundred coronaviruses, seven cause human disease. Four of them cause mild symptoms such as the common cold. However, three of them have emerged in this century and globally to bring about severe illness and deaths. “Is the Loss of Smell and Taste a Sure Sign of COVID-19?” February 15, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Over the past several months, problems with a person’s ability to smell or taste has been in the news for different reasons. Increasing evidence suggest that a loss of smell or taste is an early warning sign of Covid-19. “Is Vitamin D Deficiency a Risk Factor for COVID-19?” Know Your Vitamin D Level February 5, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In a previous article, I touted the benefits of Vitamin D. I wrote: “Besides helping the intestinal absorption of calcium and bone health, there are other benefits of maintaining the vitamin D level within a normal range. Different Face Masks and How They Protect Us Against COVID-19 January 25, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Two hairstylists in Springfield, Missouri complaining of respiratory symptoms tested positive for COVID-19 in May of 2020. They continued working at their job for approximately one week until they got back the positive test results for the virus. Mask-On: The Reasons I “Don’t Leave Home Without It” January 15, 2021 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Face masks are “the most powerful public health tool” the country has against COVID-19. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield continued: “We have clear scientific evidence they work and they are our best defense. I might even go so far as to say this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine.”